Thursday, May 26, 2011

Harvest Day 26th May 2011

Finally, after so long and so much on the 16th of May we began.

I had been waiting so long to get to this point, but when I arrived I was terrified. Terrified of the emotional rollercoaster, the process, the pain. Mostly, we were afraid of what the injections would do to me.

I am happy to report that it didn't go too badly! I couldn't work for the 13 days during the injections as the rush of hormones though my body brought back the vertigo (one of the main migraine symptoms I get), also some days my speech was as slurred as my husband's is after a work "lunch", the memory loss came back which made it imperative that I wrote everything down on a chart I kept on the fridge. That teamed with some whopper headaches, HOWEVER it wasn't too bad - not as bad as it could have been!

Today was the first day in the past 11 that I haven't had to inject myself, which was a nice break. My last injection was the 'trigger' which I needed to administer at exactly 815pm last night. This meant excusing myself from Italian class. It was also State of Origin night, which made for much speculation about my departure! How do you explain this stuff!?

Tomorrow is my first ever egg collection day (commonly known as harvest day, a name which gives me a mental image of my gynecologist at a ho-down every time the term is used) a momentous day in the IVF process. Tomorrow, I find out if my body has behaved as it should from the 1 6 injections I've given myself and produced great looking, well sized eggs. I don't know how it's going to go, I don't even know what a good result is classified as. All I know is that my scans have shown I have around 7 decent sized follicles with who knows how many little eggs inside and my belly is bloated like I have just been to Sizzler.

Whilst I am under the knife, my husband's job is to produce a prize-winning 'sample'..that's right he has to spoof in a jar while I am having surgery.. Gee men have it tough right..

Fingers crossed. Ovaries at the ready...

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