Friday, June 10, 2011

Head Games

These days, with every period (cycle) comes a wave of my migraine symptoms again. Since the migraine is all hormonally driven in my case, any slight change in the hormone levels seems to send me into a spin. It's kind of a little reminder that it's still there.

I was a bit worried about the arrival of this period. It is NEVER welcome mind you. For nearly two years now it's arrival each month has brought with it such disappointment. I knew however after all the ovary issues I've had in the past two weeks this one would be a particularly unpleasant one!

It arrived with gusto in the chemist yesterday. My head started aching early in the morning and was gaining turbulence by the minute. I was out having breakfast so ducked into the chemist to get some pain killers into my system quickly. When I tried to pay, I had a small *turn and couldn't speak. Usually on my 'bad' days my speech slurs or I stutter but this time, nothing.

I carry a note from my neurologist with me for such occasions but my body froze and I couldn't get it out of my purse. It's a really hard thing to try and explain to someone, especially when you can't talk! I feel like a drug addict on a high, and most probably look like one. I dread this happening in front of someone I know, but haven't seen for a while as I haven't told too many people about this.

The poor lady in the chemist didn't really know what to do about my momentary brain pause and tried to determine if I was going to pass out or vomit, all I could do was shake my head in slow motion.

The remainder of the day was spent chewing Imigran to try and aid my pounding head. Never mind the period pain I was so worried about!

Today I had to work, thank god my migraine had reduced to a bad headache so I got through ok. I couldn't possibly take another sick day.

Meanwhile, back down in ovary city....The IVF clinic have informed me that I will need daily blood tests and two or three scans for the next round, the transfer. I thought they said the frozen transfer process was supposed to be easier? And, more great news...I may also need to do a "HRT" cycle; more hormones in my system which means more days like these past few, if not worse. Enough already!

I just want to be well again. Well, and pregnant.

Too much to ask? I really have to hope that it's not.

* During the seizures or turns, I have speech loss/slurring which may last 5 minutes or the whole day, vertigo, my body becomes very heavy and I lose neck control (so I have to lean against a wall) and movements become slow. It is difficult to make eye contact or use my hands to communicate. It's like a little whizz fizz bomb goes off in my head. The actual fuzzy, fizzy bit only lasts about 30 seconds these days. At first, back in November they would last around 5minutes.

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